
September 20, 2018

1984: the meeting that changed everything for Sumatran rhinos

The untold story of two days in Singapore that launched a wildly ambitious, and calamitous, captive breeding program.

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July 6, 2018

Comment: Embrace science ... or accept certainty of extinction

The 4 July 2018 announcement by Professor Thomas Hildebrandt of Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research and his co-workers that embryos of white rhinos have been successfully made in vitro represents one of the most exciting breakthroughs in years for rhino conservation.

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July 6, 2018

BBC Science & Environment: Embryo breakthrough 'can save northern white rhino'

The seemingly "disastrous" story of the world's most endangered mammal - the northern white rhino - could be rewritten by IVF, scientists claim.

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July 6, 2018

Hybrid white-rhino embryos created in last-ditch effort to stop extinction

DNA of northern white rhino — of which only two remain — mixed with that of close subspecies in a bid towards growing population using surrogates.

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May 20, 2018

White rhino pregnancy in San Diego stirs hope for a nearly extinct species

SAN DIEGO - Victoria, a southern white rhino at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, is pregnant. It’s an event of vital importance for a program to bring back her nearly extinct kin, the northern white rhino.

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May 20, 2018

Humans are Sumatran rhinoceros' biggest threat - and last hope

The little-known and smallest member of the rhinoceros family, the Sumatran rhinoceros, is critically endangered. Today between 30 and 100 are isolated on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo in Southeast Asia. In a new study, researchers urge conservationists to translocate the two island groups--representing two subspecies of the Sumatran rhino--and to create a cell bank to preserve the genetic diversity uncovered by this work.

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March 21, 2018

The 'lovably weird' creature facing extinction

This Op-Ed by Jeremy Hance appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 17 March 2018.

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June 23, 2017

Footprints in the forest: The future of the Sumatran rhino

Researchers and conservationists are adamant that the only way to save the Sumatran rhinoceros is a unified captive breeding program that brings scientists, NGOs and governments together.

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June 8, 2017

No egg cells in harvested ovaries

Malaysia’s hopes for preventing the extinction of the Sumatran rhino through in vitro production of embryos narrowed further when in vitro specialist Profesor Arief Boediono determined that the ovaries of Puntung, who was put to sleep on Sunday, contained no oocytes. Malaysia now has to rely on the last female Sumatran rhino, Iman, to be the supplier of eggs.

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June 5, 2017

One of Malaysia’s Last Sumatran Rhinos Has Died

Back in April, a team of veterinary specialists flew to Malaysia to perform urgent dental surgery on Puntung, one of the country’s last three Sumatran rhinos. The procedure to correct Puntung’s life-threatening abscess seemed to be a success: Within hours of the operation, the rhino was chomping on tasty foliage. The effort to save her captured attention across the globe.

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Cover of the BORA publication, The Hairy RhinocerosSample page from the Hairy Rhinoceros
The Hairy Rhinoceros: History, ecology and some lessons for management of the last Asian megafauna

Published by Natural HIstory Publications
216 pages, hardcover

You may obtain your copy from Natural History Publications or Sunda Shelves
Habitat Restoration for Fruit-eating Wildlife - an illustrated handbook

BORA has recently launched a pair of publications that compile all our knowledge on the food plants of wild Bornean Orangutans. The aim is to energise what we believe to be actions for the conservation of our endangered red apes.

This publication was produced as part of the "Experimental Habitat Restoration for Orangutans in Kinabatangan landscape", a project by the Sabah Landscapes Programme under WWF Malaysia, funded by Unilever.

"An Illustrated Guide to Bornean Orangutan Food Plants" is a practical toolkit and provides a road map to enrich set aside lands within the mixed landscape of oil palm plantations which dominate Sabah's northeast to contribute to Orangutan conservation.

The actions are uncomplicated and can be easily adopted. What now remains is for key stakeholders, particularly the plantation sector, to adopt habitat enrichment as their contribution to safeguarding Sabah's wildlife.

The publication may be downloaded for free here.

"Habitat Restoration for Fruit-eating Wildlife" is a handbook illustrated with over 80 photos. It provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects of propagating, planting and maintaining native trees, hemiepiphytes and lianas, with an emphasis on Ficus (wild figs) in the equatorial region of Borneo.

Together with text that outlines the bigger picture, the publication provides details of good nursery practice, vegetative propagation, seed preparation and storage, and strategies for dealing with common problems.

The publication may be downloaded for free

BORA and WWF Malaysia handbooks to be used in habitat enrichment with the food plants of wild orangutans


Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 1/3)

Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 2/3)

Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 3/3)


PRESS RELEASE FROM BORA on Seladang in Perak



Visit of His Excellency, Michalis Rokas, the EU Ambassador to Malaysia

The EU Ambassador's visit to BORAVisit of the EU Ambassador